Reservation number
1 866 565 5050
Spread out and enjoy the view
64-72 sqm / 688-774 sqf
Maximum occupants 2 adults and 2 children (per room)
Includes two rooms which are inter-connecting
Private balcony with uninterrupted views of the South Pacific Ocean
Bathroom features plush cotton towels and exclusive Shangri-La toiletries
Children's meal plan for guests staying at the hotel.
Shangri-La Circle members: Up to 2 children, aged 11 years and under, per-room, may eat free at the Resort’s assigned “Kids Eat Free” restaurants, from the designated children’s menus, provided they are accompanied by a full-paying adult. In excess of 2 children at the age of 12 and under, a 50% discount off the adult buffet price will be given.