Experience IT
Events that engage and inspire 

Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen has long been committed to social responsibility and this year we are looking to make your breakfast or coffee break more involved and an integrated part of your event here at the hotel.

We offer opportunities for delegates to take part in two possible themed breaks where they can team-build and socialise with one another whilst taking a break from their conference or meeting - but at the same time, giving something back to the community around them.

Climb for year Breakfast: Futian Shangri-La brings you a part of their CSR calendar by involving you in a climb for breakfast – up to the 40th Floor. This is part of our Annual Vertical Climb that the hotel has been running for four years and we invite you to sample the benefits of Health in the Workplace. The climb culminates with a beautifully prepared breakfast. It makes a great start to your conference and there is no better way to get the oxygen pumping through your body before a full day of engagements.

Coffee with a View is an alternative option at the end of a long day of meetings. There is nothing better for a hard-working team than to reward them with a great coffee break overlooking the beautiful 40th floor scenery of Futian Shangri-La. Guests will be guided from the meeting room to the stairs to ascend the 40 floors to their coffee break there.

Coffee with our Beneficiaries – The Seng Girls.
In the comfort of your own meeting space we will arrange the presentation and interaction with our long-term Embrace partner, the Seng girls from a training school for disadvantaged young girls. They will perform traditional tribal dances and you can partake in a meaningful tea break with them- a great way to get close and personal with life beyond the meeting room.

Click here for more information about our Embrace Programme.

Call us at (86 755) 8828 4088 or email [email protected] for more details.