Weddings Planning
Prepare for your wedding

Countdown three months

  • Book hotel
  • Book Wedding
  • Take wedding photos
  • Book the four King Kong Wedding
  • Customize wedding dress
  • Customize diamond ring
  • Determine the best man and bridesmaid
  • Adjust the status
  • Two months' countdown

  • Booking wedding car
  • Wedding preparations
  • Wedding supplies
  • Wedding room supplies
  • Countdown one month

  • Determine the wedding process and details
  • Send invitations
  • Wedding room layout
  • Preparation and props of the matchmaking games
  • Prepare to arrange accommodation for foreign guests
  • Hotel trial dishes
  • Half a month countdown

  • Prepare red envelopes
  • Check all clothes on the day of fitting
  • Prepare wedding first aid kit
  • Check whether all items are properly arranged
  • Countdown one week

  • Wedding process rehearsal
  • Bride image
  • Sorting out items & important matters
  • Final confirmation of hotel banquet