Arts & Culture
Unique attractions for every traveller

Choijin Lama Temple
The Choijin Lama Temple is a Buddhist monastery in the capital of Mongolia. The complex consists of four temples that were originally occupied by the brother of the ruler Bogd Khan, Choijin Lama Luvsankhaidav, who was the state oracle at the time. 

Sukhbaatar Square
This large, open square in the city centre is named after and features a statue of Damdin Sukhbaatar, the leader of Mongolia's 1921 revolution. It was the site where Sukhbaatar proclaimed the victory of the Revolution for Independence.    

National Museum of Mongolian History
Mongolia’s National Museum takes visitors from the Neolithic era right to the present day. The museum's exhibitions cover prehistory, pre-Mongol-Empire history, the Mongol Empire, Mongolia during Qing rule, ethnography, traditional life and twentieth-century history.

Gandan Monastery
The Tibetan-style monastery was established in 1835 and is the main monastery in Ulaanbaatar. It contains one of the big standing Buddha sculptures in Asia, which reaches the height of 26 m.  

Bogd Khaan Winter Palace Musuem
Built between 1893 and 1903, this palace is where Mongolia’s eighth Living Buddha, and last king, Jebtzun Damba Hutagt VIII (often called the Bogd Khan), lived for 20 years.


19 Olympic Street, Sukhbaatar District-1, Ulaanbaatar 14241 Mongolia


(976) 7702 9999

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