Shinichiro Takagi is the second-generation owner of two Michelin-starred Zeniya in Kanazawa, Japan. The highly acclaimed Relais & Châteaux awarded Kaiseki restaurant, first helmed by Chef Shin’s father, has been a stalwart of Kaga cuisine since its opening half a century ago.
Now, in collaboration with Les Amis Group and Shangri-La Group, Chef Shin brings Kanazawa’s most iconic restaurant to Singapore. The award-winning chef is a custodian of traditional Kaga cuisine and firm believer in continuous innovation. Through decades of cultivating relationships with suppliers and producers, Zeniya is able to source unique ingredients that will be difficult to procure otherwise.
Chef Shin handpicked young protege, Sous Chef Akinori Nakano, who trained with him for many years, to move to and lead Zeniya Singapore. Chef Shin worked closely with Chef Akinori to craft the Zeniya Singapore experience.
Shinichiro Takagi is the second-generation owner of two Michelin-starred Zeniya in Kanazawa, Japan. The highly acclaimed Relais & Châteaux awarded Kaiseki restaurant, first helmed by Chef Shin’s father, has been a stalwart of Kaga cuisine since its opening half a century ago.
Now, in collaboration with Les Amis Group and Shangri-La Group, Chef Shin brings Kanazawa’s most iconic restaurant to Singapore. The award-winning chef is a custodian of traditional Kaga cuisine and firm believer in continuous innovation. Through decades of cultivating relationships with suppliers and producers, Zeniya is able to source unique ingredients that will be difficult to procure otherwise.
Chef Shin handpicked young protege, Sous Chef Akinori Nakano, who trained with him for many years, to move to and lead Zeniya Singapore. Chef Shin worked closely with Chef Akinori to craft the Zeniya Singapore experience.
Shinichiro Takagi is the second-generation owner of two Michelin-starred Zeniya in Kanazawa, Japan. The highly acclaimed Relais & Châteaux awarded Kaiseki restaurant, first helmed by Chef Shin’s father, has been a stalwart of Kaga cuisine since its opening half a century ago.
Now, in collaboration with Les Amis Group and Shangri-La Group, Chef Shin brings Kanazawa’s most iconic restaurant to Singapore. The award-winning chef is a custodian of traditional Kaga cuisine and firm believer in continuous innovation. Through decades of cultivating relationships with suppliers and producers, Zeniya is able to source unique ingredients that will be difficult to procure otherwise.
Chef Shin handpicked young protege, Sous Chef Akinori Nakano, who trained with him for many years, to move to and lead Zeniya Singapore. Chef Shin worked closely with Chef Akinori to craft the Zeniya Singapore experience.
Shinichiro Takagi is the second-generation owner of two Michelin-starred Zeniya in Kanazawa, Japan. The highly acclaimed Relais & Châteaux awarded Kaiseki restaurant, first helmed by Chef Shin’s father, has been a stalwart of Kaga cuisine since its opening half a century ago.
Now, in collaboration with Les Amis Group and Shangri-La Group, Chef Shin brings Kanazawa’s most iconic restaurant to Singapore. The award-winning chef is a custodian of traditional Kaga cuisine and firm believer in continuous innovation. Through decades of cultivating relationships with suppliers and producers, Zeniya is able to source unique ingredients that will be difficult to procure otherwise.
Chef Shin handpicked young protege, Sous Chef Akinori Nakano, who trained with him for many years, to move to and lead Zeniya Singapore. Chef Shin worked closely with Chef Akinori to craft the Zeniya Singapore experience.
Shinichiro Takagi is the second-generation owner of two Michelin-starred Zeniya in Kanazawa, Japan. The highly acclaimed Relais & Châteaux awarded Kaiseki restaurant, first helmed by Chef Shin’s father, has been a stalwart of Kaga cuisine since its opening half a century ago.
Now, in collaboration with Les Amis Group and Shangri-La Group, Chef Shin brings Kanazawa’s most iconic restaurant to Singapore. The award-winning chef is a custodian of traditional Kaga cuisine and firm believer in continuous innovation. Through decades of cultivating relationships with suppliers and producers, Zeniya is able to source unique ingredients that will be difficult to procure otherwise.
Chef Shin handpicked young protege, Sous Chef Akinori Nakano, who trained with him for many years, to move to and lead Zeniya Singapore. Chef Shin worked closely with Chef Akinori to craft the Zeniya Singapore experience.
Shinichiro Takagi is the second-generation owner of two Michelin-starred Zeniya in Kanazawa, Japan. The highly acclaimed Relais & Châteaux awarded Kaiseki restaurant, first helmed by Chef Shin’s father, has been a stalwart of Kaga cuisine since its opening half a century ago.
Now, in collaboration with Les Amis Group and Shangri-La Group, Chef Shin brings Kanazawa’s most iconic restaurant to Singapore. The award-winning chef is a custodian of traditional Kaga cuisine and firm believer in continuous innovation. Through decades of cultivating relationships with suppliers and producers, Zeniya is able to source unique ingredients that will be difficult to procure otherwise.
Chef Shin handpicked young protege, Sous Chef Akinori Nakano, who trained with him for many years, to move to and lead Zeniya Singapore. Chef Shin worked closely with Chef Akinori to craft the Zeniya Singapore experience.