Endless adventures in thrilling Shanghai

Yu Garden
Created during the Ming Dynasty by Pan Yun Duan, then finance minister of Sichuan, Yu Garden has survived the rise and fall of dynasties. It is now a key relic site protected by the state.

Spreading over 5 acres, the garden displays the magnificence of Ming architecture with later Qing Dynasty influences. 

The intricate design and façade of the towers are complemented by the garden’s lake. Special lighting combines modernity and tradition, and the site is transformed when the sun sets.

Next to Yu Garden is one of Shanghai’s unique bazaars, where visitors can enjoy local delicacies while shopping for souvenirs. Nearby is Yuyuan Old Street, known as the centre of trade in pre-modern China, as well as the ancient Cheng Huang Temple.


1218 Middle Yan'an Road, Jing An Kerry Centre, West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 China


(86 21) 2203 8888

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