Make Our Dream Come True

Shangri-La Qingdao, launched its new Embrace project “Make our dream come true” in 2017. The hotel has adopted Qi Ji School as the project's beneficiary and helps the teachers and students to improve their teaching environment.

Da Gao School is situated in Jiaolai Town, of Jiaozhou County in Shan Dong Province. The school opened in 1976 with 165 students and 16 teachers coming from the 6 surrounding natural villages. Majority of the students have historically been 'left-behind' children living with their grandparents and coming from lower income families. The school’s facilities are not only in very poor condition but are also unsafe. The hotel has contributed to the improvement of teaching facilities, providing a favorable learning environment for teachers and students.

Since May 2017, Shangri-La Qingdao, has donated more than CNY 100,000 to create an electronic book system, exchange 13 computers, fund 18 disadvantaged students, and generally improve the teaching and living/working environments of the teachers and students. In August 2017, the hotel paid for the repainting of 6 classrooms, providing a refreshed learning environment for the students. On 19 October 2017, the hotel’s volunteer team visited Da Gao School to present more than 500 books for the students to enrich the students activities and promote the quality-oriented education.

Shangri-La Qingdao, has always been committed to social charity initiatives. The hotel actively promotes and participates in social charity activities and has been praised by all sectors of society for its charitable contributions. The hotel hopes that the Embrace project, “Make our dream come true”, can give all of the students and teachers a chance to fulfill their dreams!


For further details, please contact:
Sunny Zhang
Director of Communications
Phone: (86 532) 8388 3838 


No. 9 Xianggang Middle Road, Qingdao 266071 China


(86 532) 8388 3838

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