Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is published by Shangri-La Hotels PTE Limited ("Shangri-La UK”, “we”, “us”, “our”) in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act") for the financial year ending 31 December 2023. It addresses the business of Shangri-La UK based in the United Kingdom. Shangri-La UK is a part of the global Shangri-La Group and operates Shangri- La The Shard, London.

About Shangri-La Group 

Shangri-La Group is one of the world’s premier developers, owners and operators of hotel and investment properties which comprises office buildings, commercial real estate and serviced apartments/residences. The Group’s other principal activities include hotel management services as well as property development for sale. It currently owns and/or manages over 100 hotels globally in more than 75 destinations under the Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, Kerry Hotels, JEN by Shangri-La and Traders Hotels brands. More information about the Group can be found here.

The Act 

The Act creates offences in respect of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking ("Modern Slavery"). We understand that the hospitality sector can present risks from a Modern Slavery perspective and this statement details what preventative steps our business is taking in the financial year.

We are opposed to all forms of Modern Slavery, and we have policies and procedures in place to address these risks.

Policies and procedures in respect of Modern Slavery  

Membership of the UN Global Compact

The Shangri-La Group became a member of the United Nations Global Compact ("UNGP") in 2011. All participants must publish an annual communication on progress, describing efforts to implement the ten UNGP principles, which can be found here. We aim to embed the 10 principles in our policies and procedures across our business to foster a culture of honesty and integrity. The following principles are of particular relevance from a Modern Slavery perspective:

    Human Rights 

    Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and

    Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


    Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

    Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;

    Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and

    Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

We continue to report on our progress towards integrating the ten principles and the Shangri-La Group's latest report can be found here. As policies and procedures operate on a Group basis, many are relevant to addressing Modern Slavery risk in our business and supply chains in the UK. The report indicates that in the financial year to 31 December 2023, there were no incidences of child or forced labour reported. The report also refers to our Group Whistleblowing and Whistleblowing Protection policy, which is covered below.

Guiding Principles 

We place a high value on business ethics and operate under the group’s set of guiding principles which underpin every aspect of our business. We value honesty, care and integrity in all our relationships; and remain deeply committed to our social responsibility by making a positive contribution to our communities, environment, colleagues, guests and business partners.

Human Rights Policy

In 2023, the Group implemented a global Human Rights Policy which can be found here. The Group is committed to observing the highest standards of human rights and does not tolerate any form of slavery and human trafficking either within the Group’s properties, operations or supply chains.

Code of Conduct 

We operate under a Code of Conduct that requires all of the Group's affairs to be conducted in full compliance with the law. Colleagues that commence work with us at a hotel level are orientated on the articles of the Code of Conduct and sign a copy at induction. Regular refresher training is also undertaken.

Supplier Code of Conduct 

We partner with reputable suppliers through our supply chain to help carry out our business ethically and fairly. We expect all of our suppliers to comply with relevant legislation including the Modern Slavery Act.

A copy of the Supplier Code of Conduct can be found here. We draw on the Shangri-La Group's purchasing division to procure many of our products and supplies and purchase the majority of our food and beverage locally to support local businesses and the community in which we operate.

Our suppliers are also required to adhere to the Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct and guarantee that their own employees, contractors and supply chains also follow its requirements. Key terms in respect of Modern Slavery are that:

  • Suppliers shall deal honestly, fairly and ethically in every aspect of their business, including sourcing, operations and relationships with clients, employees, suppliers and business partners. 
  • Suppliers shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to working hours, wages, working conditions, occupational health and safety, and industrial relations. 
  • Suppliers shall implement fair, humane and non-discriminatory employment practices and treat their employees fairly, with dignity and respect. 
  • Suppliers shall not use any form of forced labour, including trafficked, coerced, bonded, indentured or child labour. 
  • Suppliers shall provide a safe and healthy work environment to their employees and take measures to prevent workplace hazards and accidents. 
  • Where employee housing is provided, suppliers are expected to meet or exceed the standards for health and safety as those that apply in the workplace. 
  • Suppliers shall provide employees with avenues to raise issues of concern in confidence, without fear of reprisal or negative repercussion. 

The Group-wide Supplier Code of Conduct requires suppliers to notify us immediately of any violation of applicable laws and regulations that may affect their ability to supply products and services to Shangri-La UK. A portal for the reporting of violations of the Supplier Code of Conduct is here.

Purchasing processes 

In accordance with the Group’s Purchasing Policy, suppliers complete a questionnaire on the Supplier Code of Conduct. This Code is included as an appendix to every supplier contract, and we conduct regular reviews to ensure compliance. Whether sourced locally or abroad, all new suppliers go through a vendor approval process which, amongst other steps, requires that the Supplier Code of Conduct is signed. Thereafter, our finance team and purchasing manager review the supplier and decide on approval. All Heads of Departments are trained in the purchasing and supplier diligence process.  In 2023, the Group also implemented a global Responsible Sourcing Policy which publicly affirms our commitment to sourcing products, materials, and services that are produced in a socially responsible manner throughout our supply chain. The Responsible Sourcing Policy is available here.

Employee and labour agent checks 

All employees have right to work checks carried out at the interview stage and again on the day of induction. Checks are also automatically carried out through our payroll system to check for duplication of bank details, which is a red flag from a Modern Slavery perspective. 

Further steps are carried out in respect of the labour providers we use including right to work checks. Contractual controls are also in place.

Whistleblowing and Whistleblowing Protection Policy

A Whistleblowing and Whistleblowing Protection Policy is in place, which outlines the  procedures for inviting, facilitating, and following up on reports of suspected wrongdoing from any concerned party, including our people and business partners. A copy of the policy can be found here.

Training & development 

At Shangri-La The Shard, London, induction training is provided to every single employee on the Code of Conduct. Our commitment to respecting human rights and mitigating Modern Slavery is made clear to colleagues as soon as they start working with us.

We work with the Metropolitan Police to deliver training at Shangri-La The Shard, London through a programme called Operation Makesafe. The programme aims to raise awareness and educate participants on the nature of child sexual exploitation and human trafficking.

It also aims to establish working practices that enable the safeguarding of vulnerable young people and provide support to victims. This training session was provided in November 2023. 

Looking ahead 

As an organisation that is dedicated to responsible business, we are committed to helping tackle Modern Slavery along with our peers in the industry. 

We will continue to build upon our existing efforts to support and uphold human rights throughout our business and operating responsibly in the communities in which we operate. 

This statement has been approved by the board of Shangri-La Hotels PTE Limited.


31 St Thomas Street, London SE1 9QU United Kingdom


(44 20) 7234 8000

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