Quick Facts
Get up to speed about Cebu

Cebu is an island province of the Philippines in the central part of the country, north of Malaysia.

Cebu is one of the economically developed provinces in the country, and offers a balance between urban life and nature trips, with a wealth of tropical beaches, breezy hills, historical sites, and one of the best opportunities to experience the diversity of Philippine culture.

PHP 1.00 ≈
exchange ratescurrency
1.00Singapore Dollar(SGD)
1.00Korean Won(KRW)
1.00Australian Dollar(AUD)
1.00Pound Sterling(GBP)
1.00Japanese Yen(JPY)
1.00Hong Kong Dollar(HKD)
1.00United Arab Emirates Dirham(AED)


Punta Engano Road, Lapu-Lapu, Cebu 6015 Philippines


(63 32) 231 0288

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