You can book a limousine pick-up by providing your flight details and estimated time of arrival when booking online.
Alternatively, you can contact the hotel directly at (86 411) 8252 5000.
Please make your booking at least one day in advance.
Car Type | Charges |
Mercedes-Benz E300L | CNY 450 |
Coaster (19-Seater) | CNY 500 |
Buick GL8 (6-Seater) | CNY 450 |
Unlimited Wi-Fi access is available in the limousine.
Car rental must be booked for at least 2 hours. Even if the rental is used less than 2 hours, we will charge for 2 hours.
The price of the car rental increases by 50% if it will be taken outside the city.
All transportation cancellations are subject to payment.