Hotel Limousine
Hotel Limousine Charges

You can book a limousine by providing your flight details and estimated time of arrival when booking online.

Alternatively, you may also contact the hotel directly on (86 472) 599 8888 or [email protected].

Please make your booking at least two days in advance.

Car TypeCharges
AudiCNY 180 Per Car Per Kilometer

Wi-Fi is available in the limousine at no extra charge.

The service charge for airport transfers varies based on details of your pickup. Roundtrip reservations are also available.


66 Min Zu East Road Qing Shan District, Baotou, Inner Mongolia 014030 China


(86 472) 599 8888

Check-in / Check-out

We hope you’ve enjoyed your stay from start to finish.

Please note the check-in / out times below:

Payment Methods

Online payment methods we accept at selected platforms: