Weddings & Celebrations
Celebrate life's events in style and elegance


Our wedding specialist will help to ensure your special day runs in your desired way.

Wedding Package
Wedding Package
Simplify your wedding planning by including one of our professionally arranged packages.
Weddings Planning
Weddings Planning

Countdown three months

  • Book hotel
  • Book Wedding
  • Take wedding photos
  • Book the four King Kong Wedding
  • Customize wedding dress
  • Customize diamond ring
  • Determine the best man and bridesmaid
  • Adjust the status
  • Two months' countdown

  • Booking wedding car
  • Wedding preparations
  • Wedding supplies
  • Wedding room supplies
  • Countdown one month

  • Determine the wedding process and details
  • Send invitations
  • Wedding room layout
  • Preparation and props of the matchmaking games
  • Prepare to arrange accommodation for foreign guests
  • Hotel trial dishes
  • Half a month countdown

  • Prepare red envelopes
  • Check all clothes on the day of fitting
  • Prepare wedding first aid kit
  • Check whether all items are properly arranged
  • Countdown one week

  • Wedding process rehearsal
  • Bride image
  • Sorting out items & important matters
  • Final confirmation of hotel banquet
  • Event Spaces
    Event Spaces
    Request for Proposal
    Request for Proposal
    We provide fabulous event planning, helping you to fulfil your aspirational dream. Our highly professional concierge will have the honour to serve you after you completed the information.