Global recognition for exceptional hospitality

We are honoured to receive recognition for our legendary Asian hospitality

Here is a list of our recent awards:

2023 Best Destination Hotel - China Hotel Travel List

Bang Hotels to Visit in 2023 - Autonavi's Guide

2022 Meituan Popular hotel restaurant - Meituan Hotel

2022 Shenyang Luxury Hotel List -- Ctrip reputation list

Must-visit hotels in 2022 - Autonavi's Guide

The Best Partner of 2022 - China Tourism Hotel Association

Best City Business Hotel 2021 - China's Best Hotel Award

2021 Shenyang Luxury Hotel List -- Ctrip reputation list

2019 Best Business Hotel Award - China Hotel New Power Media Award

2018 Best International Conference Hotel Platinum Award - The 13th International Hotel Platinum Award

2018 Ctrip Food Forest -- Ctrip

2018 Best Luxury Hotel Award - Ctrip Travel reputation List

For more information or other media inquiries, please contact the Director of Marketing and Sales.

Li Dan
[email protected]
Telephone: (86 24)2436 6303


115, Qingnian Avenue, Shenhe District, Shenyang, Liaoning 110016 China


(86 24) 2436 6666

Check-in / Check-out

We hope you’ve enjoyed your stay from start to finish.

Please note the check-in / out times below:

Payment Methods

Online payment methods we accept at selected platforms: