Arts & Culture
Discover classic landscapes & silken wonders

Suzhou Museum

The Suzhou Museum houses ancient Chinese art, paintings, crafts and calligraphies. Its extensive collection (more than 30,000 relics and 70,000 books) features Neolithic pottery and jades, porcelain, bamboo and ivory carvings as well as textiles and contemporary art.

Rated as one of the pre-eminent museums in the city, the Suzhou Museum is well-connected. Visitors can easily reach its doorsteps via public bus or a car.

Suzhou Silk Museum

The Suzhou Silk Museum comes highly recommended for history buffs. The museum houses a number of fascinating exhibitions providing a thorough history of Suzhou’s silk trade over the last four centuries. Many of its captions are written in English.


168 Ta Yuan Road, Suzhou New District, Jiangsu Province 215011 China


(86 512) 6808 0168

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