Discover the wonders of Beijing

Temple of Heaven

A great example of Ming architecture, the Temple of Heaven was built specifically for the worship of heaven and prayers for good harvests. The temple complex is a treasure trove of ancient Chinese architectural design and art.

The Forbidden City

The magnificent Forbidden City is the world's large and preserved imperial palace complex. Surrounded by a formidable moat and wall are 9,999 rooms.The Forbidden City is so called because it was off-limits for 500 years. It was home to two dynasties of emperors - the Ming and the Qing - and functioned as the administrative centre of the country.

The Great Wall

The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world. This immense wall was designed originally to defend against marauding nomads. The wall spans 5 provinces (6,700 kilometres), winding across deserts, grasslands and mountains.  Many visitors see the Great Wall at Badaling, 70 kilometres northwest of Beijing. The surrounding scenery is raw and impressive, and visitors can climb the wall and enjoy a memorable panoramic view.

Tiananmen Square

The world's large public square, Tiananmen Square is an immense courtyard with breathtaking views. The square is surrounded by a variety of historical edifices: the Chinese Revolution History Museum, Chairman Mao's Mausoleum, the Great Hall of the People, and the Monument of the People's Heroes.  Tiananmen Square is the symbolic centre of the Chinese universe. The rectangular arrangement, flanked by halls to the east and west, echoes the layout of the Forbidden City.  Watch the impressive flag-raising ceremony performed at sunrise and sunset each day.

Ming Tombs

Approximately 45 kilometres from central Beijing, the Ming Tombs are situated in a picturesque valley in Changping District. They were named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003.  Amidst the calm serenity of the mountainous region 13 Ming Emperors, 23 Empresses and several royal concubines are laid to rest.  The tombs have successfully faced the onslaught of time, manifesting the high technical and aesthetic level achieved by ancient Chinese architecture. Although, greatly similar in design the 13 tombs vary in magnitude and intricacy. 


29 Zizhuyuan Road, Beijing 100089 China


(86 10) 6841 2211

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