Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility

Jing An Shangri-La, Shanghai has been holding vertical charity run events to help underprivileged children from Shanghai Children’s Medical Centre in donating the participation fees.

Climb For Hope Vertical Charity Run
Climb For Hope Vertical Charity Run

Jing An Shangri-La, Shanghai, offered guests the ideal place to take in the city view of the downtown business centre and beyond from the top of Shanghai, turning the hotel into a venue for a unique charity event in the form of a vertical charity run, which kicked off at 8:45 a.m. on 17 October 2021.

300 runners, who came from different parts of society, gathered at the event centre on level 5 and conquered the 1,557 steps to reach the finishing line at 60 floors high, hitting the fastest record being set at 10 minutes and 16 seconds. The event continued as a Jing An Shangri-La, Shanghai corporate social responsibility tradition, and this time donations from the participation fees amounted to a total of CNY 119,400 and was handed over to the Shanghai Children’s Medical Centre to help underprivileged children. In the past seven years, Jing An Shangri-La, Shanghai has successfully donated CNY 665,488 in total through the Climb for Hope Vertical Charity Run.

Apart from climbing for charity, Jing An Shangri-La, Shanghai also hoped to encourage people to pursue a healthier and more positive lifestyle through this event. The stresses of living in a big, urban city demands that we spend most of our time and energy at work, neglecting healthy living habits like proper nutrition, sleep and exercise. Climb for Hope Vertical Charity Run presents a light-hearted and fun side to exercise, bringing together families and the community to climb together.

Participants this year came from the public and participating partner communities – Shanghai Pilot Health Promotion Center. All were welcome to participate, whether amateurs or elite runners, as we climbed for a good cause. Everyone was a winner as long as they participated, with a congratulatory completion medal presented at the finishing line.

After the event, participants were invited to enjoy their breakfast buffet at the hotel’s Grand Ballroom.



309名のランナーが60階にあるゴールを目指して、1,625段をかけのぼりました。イベントは、静安シャングリ・ラ上海の企業の社会的責任の伝統として引き続き開催され、恵まれない子供達を支援するため、児童医療センターへCNY 99,000 を寄付しました。中国出身の男性のランナーが、バーティカルランの新記録となる8分55秒を達成しました。

すべての参加費のCNY 99,000 が恵まれない子供達の医療を支援するため、上海児童医療センターへ寄付されました。チャリティイベントのバーティカルラン以外にも、静安シャングリ・ラ上海はこのイベントを通じて、健康的で前向きなライフスタイルを促進することを願っています。大都心での生活のストレスは、仕事の時間やエネルギーのほとんどを費やし、正しい栄養や睡眠、運動などの健康的な生活習慣を見過ごしてしまいます。クライム・フォー・ホープ・バーティカルファンランでは、運動することの楽しさを表し、家族や地域社会が一緒にランニングをすることで一つにしています。   

今年は、提携している地域社会のCEO Roundtable on Cancer-China と静安ケリーセンターがイベントに参加しました。初心者から経験者まで、バーティカルランを楽しみました。ゴールでは、すべての参加者がメダルを受け取りました。

上海児童医療センター(SCMC) について




 (86 21) 2203 8889 


200040 1218 Middle Yan'an Road, Jing An Kerry Centre, West Nanjing Road, Shanghai


(86 21) 2203 8888

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