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Shang Palace

Shang Palace Chilled Mango Cream With Sago

Shang Palace Chilled Mango Cream With Sago


  • 200g fresh mango 
  • 100g dried sago 
  • 50ml fresh milk 
  • 50ml coconut milk 
  • 50ml condensed milk 
  • Mango ice-cream 


  1. Mix the fresh milk, coconut milk, mango ice-cream and condensed milk.  
  2. Boil the dried sago, add to milk mixture and stir well. 
  3. Dice fresh mango finely and add to mixture. 
  4. Chill well before serving. 

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(62 31) 6003 8916


Level 1

Operating Hours

Saturday & Sunday Yamca: 8am – 2.30pm
A la Carte: 12pm – 2.30pm & 6pm – 10.30pm
(Weekend Only)

Dress Code

Smart Casual

Smoking Policy

Shang Palace accommodates both smoking and non-smoking guests.